Pegaso is a figure of Greek mythology. It is the most famous of winged horses. According to legend, was born from the wet ground by the blood shed when Perseus cut off her head of Medusa. According to another version, Pegasus would jump right out of Medusa's neck cut, along with Chrysaor. Animal wild and free Pegasus is initially used by Zeus to carry the lightning up to Olympus. Thanks to the bridle had a gift from Athena, is then tamed by Bellerophon, who uses it as a mount to kill the Chimera. After the death of the hero, happened to be dropped from Pegasus, the winged horse back among the gods. In the famous singing contest between the Muses and the Pierides, Pegasus had struck him with a hoof on Mount Helicon, which was magnified up to threaten the sky after hearing the song of the heavenly goddesses. From the point struck by the hoof of Pegasus was born a spring called Hippocrene, or "source of the horse." Similarly, Pegasus did arise a source at Troezen. terminate its business, Pegasus takes flight towards the highest part of the sky and turns into a cloud of sparkling stars that have formed a constellation. With the name of Pegasus are defined several minor mythological figures, all deformations of the Pegasus greek. In Latin literature, Pliny describes as Pegasi birds of Ethiopia with horse heads. Also under the same name Pliny describes a horse with wings and horns. For Julius Solinus and Pomponius Mela would be rather a bird with a horse's ears. In general, each figure, mythological or heraldic, corresponding to a winged horse called Pegasus.
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